Old Quality Central seems dead. http://qc.embarcadero.com/

Old Quality Central seems dead. http://qc.embarcadero.com/

Nick Hodges glitch or...


  1. QC uses ASP.NET ???
    I was expecting something more Delphi related like IntraWeb or UniGUI.

  2. It was originally developed with Websnap. Not sure when it was changed to ASP.NET

  3. Reporting crashes from the IDE fails for me now.
    Takes some time, then returns Invalid email/pwd combo.

    Can't log into the quality site
    Sorry, an error occurred trying to log you in - please try again.

    Can't log into the EMBT dev network
    An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host
    An error has occurred while processing the page.
    Please try to refresh the page, or return to the home page.
    : ETNASC01

    Marco Cantù Nick Hodges Jim McKeeth

  4. Just that you know, we are actually considering shutting it down. True there is some old interesting data there -- and we have everything captures in our internal system, nothing will get lost -- but there is no feedback for bugs fixed on that system any more and we have been encouraging the community to move to quality portal (and that really happened, thanks you).

    Not a decision (and not my decision), just interested in opinions, though.

  5. Marco Cantù  Well, my current opinion is that it has to live (and work) until the RAD IDE uses a different mechanism for delivering error reports, but that it would be good to phase it out and replace it with the new Jira QP.

  6. Yes, the IDE reporting is an issue we haven't solved.

  7. Marco Cantù I would not like to have it shut down because there are plenty of reports there that are not duplicated in public JIRA.

    If you could move open reports from QC to QP that would be great and in that case leaving QC open would not matter... I don't know how you track those issues internally and how easy would that be for you.

  8. There is automatic way to cross post from QP to QC. A lot of entires were added last year manually, closing old QC bugs in QP, at least some of the most relevant ones.

    True that shutting down we will loose public content, but considering that public content is fairly out of date (hundreds of QC bugs reported over the last few years are still marked as open and manual reconciliation would be a large effort) also keeping it there serve limited purpose.

  9. Cutting the QC will cut a lot of technical debt, so that is a good thing. But - if there are issues in QC, which still are relevant, but not in QP - that would be a challenge.

  10. Marco Cantù I thought more of adding still open reports to new QP, so we can get access to those issues. While the most important part is that you do track them internally, if bugs are still relevant losing public access to them would be bad thing IMO.

    I forgot that there is another reason for keeping QC open - QC reports that are closed for one reason or another, but that do cover still relevant issues with workarounds. For example:

    The compiler should keep a hidden reference when passing freshly created object instances directly as const interface parameters
    qc.embarcadero.com - QualityCentral

  11. I have found above QC report 90482 additionally reported to QP as quality.embarcadero.com - Log in - Embarcadero Technologies so it is bad example, but point remains, that some issues may be relevant even though closed.


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