Has anyone an idea ? How do you auto-update your Android application ?

Has anyone an idea ? How do you auto-update your Android application ?


  1. This is for an in house app. with no access to Internet.

  2. Well that's very boring then 😎

  3. I'm assuming there's wireless, otherwise where exactly would it get the update from? I expect the best that could happen is for the app to download the replacement .apk into a folder that the user could access, because the user would need to do the actual installing.

  4. David Nottage​​ yes indeed. This is a warehouse application. Data is sent to a Restful server. For our Wince devices, we are getting update thought an Ftp download (.exe is basically replaced but this will not work under Android).

    I don't know if this is possible with Android but here is how I see this:

    - Compare running version vs webservice resource (will have to found how to get Android version)
    - Download new apk (via indy)
    - Launch downloaded apk via an intent

    Too bad that I can't use an private playstore.

  5. You could run your own private Android store using F-Droid. f-droid.org - F-Droid

  6. Stéphane Wierzbicki You can use google play store and have the app in a closed beta stage. This way you will have control over the participants and you will have an easy way to push updates to them.
    This of course requires internet access, and you must assume that participants will update by choice. In other words, using play store in any way means that you cannot force an update to the users.


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