This is almost embarrassing, but I'm having trouble with the IDE finding components. It's D2007, and we've got a couple of libs that are problematic: RXLib and a custom lib. I have this set up on my laptop inside of a VM running Win XP, and it's working fine -- I can open the project with no trouble. On a desktop with Win 7, when I open the project, it keeps complaining about not being able to find components on the forms, and the details say it can't find a file that EXISTS RIGHT WHERE IT'S LOOKING! I hit the "Ignore All" button and "Cancel" buttons until they stop popping up, then close the project and re-open it, then it's fine. We just installed this on a clean D2007 on another guy's desktop and even that doesn't work.

This is almost embarrassing, but I'm having trouble with the IDE finding components. It's D2007, and we've got a couple of libs that are problematic: RXLib and a custom lib. I have this set up on my laptop inside of a VM running Win XP, and it's working fine -- I can open the project with no trouble. On a desktop with Win 7, when I open the project, it keeps complaining about not being able to find components on the forms, and the details say it can't find a file that EXISTS RIGHT WHERE IT'S LOOKING! I hit the "Ignore All" button and "Cancel" buttons until they stop popping up, then close the project and re-open it, then it's fine. We just installed this on a clean D2007 on another guy's desktop and even that doesn't work.

When building the libs, it randomly seems to complain when I build the design-time lib that it can't find the run-time BPL/DCP, even though it's exactly where it says it's looking. Or it will compile but then won't install for the same reasons.

I usually juggle around various lib paths until I find a combination that works, but is there a straightforward way to make this work?

I'm wondering if there are some hidden path settings somewhere that aren't easily changed from the IDE that are confusing things. Why can't it find a file that is exactly where it says it's looking?

Does Win 7 impact this in ways that XP doesn't? Because the problems are only in Win 7, even with the same settings in both environments.

Sometimes it helps if I copy the BPLs into Delphi's bin folder, but not always. But when I do, and I rebuild the libs, they don't get saved to Delphi's bin folder automatically.

I usually configure separate folders for DCUs and BPLs/DCLs/DCPs. However, while D2007 does have an option for Release and Debug builds, they don't seem to be as robust as the XP2+ versions with multi-platform support.

Perhaps someone has written up a guide on how to do this kind of stuff effectively across different versions of Delphi IDEs?


  1. The VM on the desktop is a no-go. All of these folders are in the paths, as far as I can tell, but I'll double-check, especially their ordering. All of the RXLib targets are in the same folder, so I don't know why trying to build the design-time units complains that it can't find the run-time BPL since they're all in the same place! There are four of them, all right there, visible in Windows Explorer. But the IDE says it cannot find the run-time BPLs in that very folder.

  2. David Schwartz is that folder on the Windows PATH? If so at which character position? What does the IDE tell you about the PATH? For instance in this dialog:

  3. I'll check on Monday. FWIW, I have not added anything to the Windows path. Only the ones in Directories/Conditional.


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