Could somebody who still has old installations check whether the following files differ between the original version, Update 1 and Update 2 in RadStudio/Delphi or C++Builder 10.1 Berlin:

Could somebody who still has old installations check whether the following files differ between the original version, Update 1 and Update 2 in RadStudio/Delphi or C++Builder 10.1 Berlin:
* delphicoreide240.bpl
* coreide240.bpl
* bds.exe

I only have Update 2 installed, so I can't check.

EDIT: I'd like to know the version numbers and file date of these files.


  1. I'd like to know the version numbers and file date of these files.

  2. Thinking about it, it would be enough for people who have the requisite version installed to post the version info of these files. I could figure out the differences myself then (and probably everybody else too ;-) )

  3. Attila Kovacs that's the version number of which file in which Delphi version?

  4. Attila Kovacs the bpl files are glorified DLLs, and they have a version number, only Windows explorer does not display it. The GExperts PE-Information expert does. Usually they have the same version number as bds.exe.

  5. Attila Kovacs Yes, that's Berlin without updates. Here are the version numbers I have so far found out:
    coreide240.bpl: 24.0.6822.22858
    bds.exe: 24.0.22858.6822

    coreide240.bpl: 24.0.24468.8770

    coreide240.bpl: 24.0.25048.9432
    delphicoreide240.bpl: 24.0.25048.9432
    bds.exe: 24.0.25048.9432


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