I'm looking for a specific device that seems to be as rare as unicorns. Wondering if anybody here knows of something.

I'm looking for a specific device that seems to be as rare as unicorns. Wondering if anybody here knows of something.

I want a doohickey that's basically a WiFi-enabled USB thumb drive that does two things none of the ones on the market currently does: (a) keeps the WiFi live while it's plugged into the USB port; and (b) allows WiFi clients to connect to it and see it as if it's plugged into the local device -- that is, the ability to access it as a device directly (in Windows via the Explorer, and in Mac via Finder) rather than through a browser window or using a dedicated browser app that simulates Windows Explorer.

I want both devices to be able to see the storage on the device and run something like BeyondCompare on each one to sync up files between two machines. (I'd plug this into my desktop, which has WiFi disabled, and use the WiFi to connect my laptop.)

I'm just tired of having to move files by swapping a thumb drive back and forth.


  1. David Schwartz so you can not plug in a USB WiFi adapter?

  2. Jeroen Wiert Pluimers you said, "If the computer already does WiFi" and it does not. I talked to some support guys today and they said "the WiFi card is removed" from all of the computers they buy, although AFAIK it's just a chip soldered onto the motherboard. I came away thinking I know more than they do about this subject, which isn't all that much to begin with. I just ordered a WiFi dongle that has support for "Soft AP" function that I'll use with some "virtual router" software I found that should let me set up what I need to access the local HD from my laptop.

  3. Continuing our theme.. Can try to connect the phone to the desktop via usb. And the laptop to communicate with the internal memory of phone or sd card using the program BlueSoleil 10 or BlueSoleil cPhone. Again, this is only an assumption that theoretically this approach could work. So to start it is best to test on the trial version of the program. Official website: bluesoleil.com - BlueSoleil, the most easy-to-use, innovative and interoperable Bluetooth software, Bluetooth driver


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