Is there a variable that can be used in the Output Directory option that includes the project name? For instance:

Is there a variable that can be used in the Output Directory option that includes the project name? For instance:


Using $(ProjectName) does not appear to work...


  1. Uppercase didn't work... neither did outputname

  2. I know it may seem awkward...I checked a .dproj file and it uses this tag: MSBuildProjectName

    So, it may work like this $(MSBuildProjectName)

  3. Uwe Raabe Yes!! Thank you, very much!

  4. Uwe Raabe (or anyone else) You wouldn't happen to know if it's possible to change the defaults for Output Directory and Unit output directory? (i.e. from $(Platform)\$(Config) to something else). I know I need do it only when starting a new project; it's just one less thing to worry about ;-)

  5. David Nottage AFAIK, the default values are hard coded. You can also use a central optionset to override those values, which might save you some clicks and keystrokes.

  6. Uwe Raabe As good as that sounded, it doesn't seem to work for me. My steps: Create a new multiplatform app, right-click Build Configurations, click New Option Set (and save it), change the Output directory option. It doesn't seem to honour the changed setting. Am I missing something?

  7. David Nottage That way it doesn't work, indeed. The option set settings are overridden by the settings for "all configurations", which is a bit weird IMHO. You can achieve the correct result when you drag the option set below the Debug and Release configurations.

  8. Uwe Raabe Sad part #2: Using $(SanitizedProjectName) in the Output directory prevents debugging from the IDE


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