Not only did we have to wrestle that flaming ape for years, but now this other guy arrives, and there is noone to talk tactics with.

Not only did we have to wrestle that flaming ape for years, but now this other guy arrives, and there is noone to talk tactics with.

Marco Cantù Going in blind without a forum doesn't really help.


  1. Asbjørn Heid The context is subject to an NDA.

  2. Lars Fosdal Ah gotcha. Just woke up from a nap so wasn't firing at all cylinders, didn't help either :)

  3. We plan to start sharing information publicly pretty soon... for the future, we are considering a new portal for update subscription customer, including some sort of limited access forum.

  4. I'd talk about tactics, but I haven't access to the beta. )

  5. Marco Cantù That would be helpful, but inviting active subscriber testers to the main event, would also be helpful.

  6. Flaming Ape = FireMonkey? New guy is? Hmmm..

  7. Keep things secret as long as possible or keep things secret forever or hide a product from potential customers is also an option. Going bankrupt too.

  8. Ralf Stocker Developing software is not a democracy. Rumors of unfinished software can be pretty bad for a product too. That's why NDAs are a norm. The secrets are revealed to subscribers, so there is that, which is nice.

  9. Lars Fosdal "Developing software is not a democracy" - the Linux Kernel, Firefox, Apache, LibreOffice, PostgreSQL, Python, Docker, OpenStack, Ruby, etc. would disagree with you on that. NDAs are far, far, far from being the norm in software development today. They're anachronistic remnants of another age. Development happens right out in the open today, engineers at companies like Netflix and Paypal have their own blogs where they relate what they're working on, etc.

    Embarcadero's successful competitor in the IDE space, JetBrains, lets anyone sign up for their early access program and that works at the alpha level, not beta, actively testing new ideas with participants to determine what they like best.

    "What is Early Access Program?

    We at JetBrains believe that making tools for developers should greatly involve listening to developers. Our Early Access Program lets development community closely participate in discussions devoted to our products and influence development planning, from early stages onwards. Early Access Program allows you to try pre-release versions of our software to evaluate features that will be added to the next release."

    There's no need for "secrets" in regard to Delphi. It's not like there's a fierce competition among commercial Pascal IDE vendors... or like there are even any other commercial Pascal IDE vendors. I don't think Satya Nadella is lying awake at night worrying about what might show up in Delphi. Heck, MS is basically giving away its IDE now.


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