

I've been having trouble using the VirtualTreeView/VirtualShellTool components in a very basic app that just contained a VirtualExplorerTreeview linked to a VirtualListview. Kept getting AVs whenever I clicked on a tree node.

So I figured maybe I had a bad installation and decided to uninstall the components (via GetIt) and reinstall.

Now it won't install because I get the error "Cannot load package 'MPCommonLibDD240.' It contains unit 'MPCommonWizardTemplates', which is also contained in package 'MPCommonLibDD230"

This is Berlin 10.1

Any ideas on how I can fix this? (Google search is about worthless any more - I miss the old newsgroups/Deja news)


  1. Fixed - at least by appearances. I'm not exactly certain I've got the most recent source code.

    Throughout the process I downloaded some packages from GitHub and attempted installing. That didn't work, then retried several times through GetIt. Finally I went in and manually removed a package and successfully got it installed. Of course there was some tweaking with some pathing in some of the source files.

    Am I the only one that is confused by GitHub and such?


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