Those were the days ;) A bit of late night ranting and raving - again.

Those were the days ;) A bit of late night ranting and raving - again.


  1. so the berlin 10.2 compiled program ran on xp out of the box?

  2. Brian Hamilton In the post I did run it on Win7 32-bit - but I just ran it on XP as well without issues or modifications - very simple program. But why should a simple D10.1 upd2 compiled program not work on XP out of the box?

  3. I run into lots of dll issues on XP (its listed as not supported by Berlin) might depend on what components you use

  4. Brian Hamilton​ OK, I really don't target XP anymore. I would have guessed that the non-XP was more commercial thing. I would have guessed more on type issues - but I guess if you ensure only shortstring/ansistrings are passed you should be good. Any concrete example?

  5. I seem to have problems with the versions of msvcrt.dll and its related files. I dont have access to XP myself, just know what issues customers have

  6. Brian Hamilton I would setup a XP vm, can from the top of my head figure out what needs the VC runtime, maybe it just requires a newer msvcrt build.

  7. if a xp user updates to all the latest patches/updates that are available (googling for those helps) then it works..but not without doing that ..maybe you had already updated your XP to all the latest updates etc?

  8. Maybe, I also tend to keep my OS' updated.


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