Feature request: Add support for Google/Huawei's HiKey 960 Android device.

Feature request: Add support for Google/Huawei's HiKey 960 Android device.


Article about the octa-core device


  1. Lars Fosdal Did you confirm that it is not working or do you suspect it is not working? Shouldn't it be working according to the hardware if one follows the source.android.com - Android Compatibility | Android Open Source Project guidelines?

  2. What kinda of support do you want Lars Fosdal that is not already available? This "Like Raspberry PI" device is anything but (almost 10x the price perhaps). It's getting quite a raking by the Single Board community on price to specs, and looks to be unlikely to be embraced. I am wondering what makes this board worth spending the limited development resources on, over, say, any other board, including like board that have mass followings (that might pay off with mass customers), or, alternatively, very expensive but well embraced boards such as the NVidia Jetson TX boards that have corporate followings with very deep pockets? I think a Raspiberry PI logo might do well on the RAD Studio page, but outside of that, these boards are a dime a dozen... well, this one is a bit more... wait a week, there will be a dozen imitators.

  3. Device recognition, default layout, etc. No biggies, I hope. Why? It is a high performance, low cost Android device - designed to be use for development.


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