I'm tempted to write an extension/wrapper for Spring4D where I can do this:

I'm tempted to write an extension/wrapper for Spring4D where I can do this:

*Messages:= MyIList.MoveTo(function(Item: IItem): boolean begin
Result:= true;

This will result in the following code:

TMyList = class(TInterfacedObject, IList, ....,IMyList)
function(const predicate ...): I;
if (TypeOf(I) = TypeOf(IList)) then Result:= TCollections.CreateList;
if TypeOf(I) = ......
//the if typeofs are processed as implicits and are eliminated by the compiler as needed.
//It's a bit laborious, though
inherited MoveTo(Result, predicate);

Now I can chain these and don't need to explicitly create collections myself.
Does this make sense, or am I making some logical error?

Hoping for some discussion, don't need help, but the discussion label has been axed.


  1. Stefan Glienke so is this my right conclusion:

    A.ExtractRange(B) extracts from B into A and

    X.Add(Y.Extract(Y.First)) extracts the first item from Y into X

    Now I don't get the meaning of:

    N.ExtractAll(function(X: Integer): Boolean begin Result := True; end))

    How would I get them into M if M is compatible with N?

  2. Jeroen Wiert Pluimers
    Your conclusion (or your wording) is not correct:

    A.ExtractRange(B) extracts the first occurence of each item in B from A.

    It is equal to (and in fact implemented as):

    for x in B do

    Answer to your question:

    M.AddRange(N.ExtractAll(x => true))

  3. Stefan Glienke​ I'll probably need to write some examples to really get it as ExtractAll returns nothing.


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