My son is trying to install Delphi Starter but his licence is always shown invalid. I tried to help him but no luck. Any clue?


  1. Contact the vendor for support with your installation

  2. David Heffernan well, the Starter Editon requereis a vendor? I suppose the received key to be enough but I will do it anyway.

  3. I had similar issue with either Starter and Trial. I solved it by clicking in a link that redirect to a webpage where you can request sending the key as a file to your email (email that is linked to your account) and then I was able to import the file and finish validation process. I don't remember where was the link to click, but it was on one of the pages of registration process (offline registration or something like that)

  4. I believe you have to register/get an account to get a free license key

  5. You need to register an account for a license key. The key is version specific, so a Berlin key will not work with Tokyo....

  6. Marco Cantù Yes, he did a register account. I will check it all again today. Thanks


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