[windows 10 creators update]
[windows 10 creators update]
Some of my clients are experiencing some errors in our software compiled with Seattle (win32). after have installed last update of Windows10, I do not understand if are Application.messagebox that go wrong or otherwise.
With Windows 7 emulation resolves the problem
Some of my clients are experiencing some errors in our software compiled with Seattle (win32). after have installed last update of Windows10, I do not understand if are Application.messagebox that go wrong or otherwise.
With Windows 7 emulation resolves the problem
Eureka Log info on crash app ( my customers with Creators update installed )
2.2 Address: 0040D233
2.5 Type : EExternalException
2.6 Message: Access violation at address 0040D233 in module 'TestApp.exe'. Read of address 00000002
Address:_0040D233 (0000D233).
2.7 ID : AD8B0000
2.11 Sent : 0
3.2 Name : manuel.donini
3.3 Email:
Steps to reproduce:
8.1 Text:
Call Stack Information:
|Methods |Details|Stack |Address |Module |Offset |Unit |Class |Procedure/Method |Line |
|*Exception Thread: ID=10504; Parent=0; Priority=0 |
|Class=; Name=MAIN |
|DeadLock=0; Wait Chain= |
|Comment= |
|7FFFFFFE|04 |00000000|0040D233|TestApp.exe |0000D233|System | |_UStrFromPWChar |29409[4] |
|00000020|03 |0019E6B4|6E71E5AA|comctl32.dll|0005E5AA|comctl32 | | (possible DetachScrollBars+938) | |
|00000020|03 |0019E6D0|6E71EC14|comctl32.dll|0005EC14|comctl32 | | (possible DetachScrollBars+2580) | |
|00000020|03 |0019E768|76F72B59|user32.dll |00032B59|user32 | | (possible AddClipboardFormatListener+4713)| |
|00000020|03 |0019E794|76F650EE|user32.dll |000250EE|user32 | | (possible DispatchMessageW+2222) | |
|00000020|03 |0019E87C|76F64D45|user32.dll |00024D45|user32 | | (possible DispatchMessageW+1285) | |
|00000020|03 |0019E8AC|76F6DCE1|user32.dll |0002DCE1|user32 | | (possible CallNextHookEx+737) | |
|00000020|03 |0019E8E0|76F6FF5E|user32.dll |0002FF5E|user32 | | (possible GetMessageW+190) | |
|00000020|03 |0019E924|77EC416B|ntdll.dll |0007416B|ntdll | | (possible KiUserCallbackDispatcher+75) | |
|00000020|03 |0019EC90|76F4E097|user32.dll |0000E097|user32 | | (possible CallMsgFilterW+2823) | |
|00000020|03 |0019EDC8|76F5E7C4|user32.dll |0001E7C4|user32 | | (possible DialogBoxIndirectParamAorW+244) | |
|00000020|03 |0019EE0C|76FAEC34|user32.dll |0006EC34|user32 | | (possible SoftModalMessageBox+2964) | |
|00000020|03 |0019EEC8|76FADE23|user32.dll |0006DE23|user32 | | (possible MessageBoxW+691) | |
ReplyDelete|00000020|03 |0019F02C|76FADB40|user32.dll |0006DB40|user32 | |MessageBoxTimeoutW | |
|00000020|03 |0019F0AC|76FADB85|user32.dll |0006DB85|user32 | |MessageBoxW | |
|00000020|04 |0019F0CC|0077DEE5|TestApp.exe |0037DEE5|Vcl.Forms|TApplication|MessageBox |10710[26] |
|00000020|04 |0019F154|04587F01|TestApp.exe |04187F01|main |TfrmMain |FormCreate |4166[4] |
|00000020|04 |0019FE60|00772F9D|TestApp.exe |00372F9D|Vcl.Forms|TCustomForm |DoCreate |3758[3] |
|00000020|04 |0019FE84|00772B11|TestApp.exe |00372B11|Vcl.Forms|TCustomForm |Create |3622[25] |
|00000020|04 |0019FED4|0077DACA|TestApp.exe |0037DACA|Vcl.Forms|TApplication|CreateForm |10562[13] |
|00000020|04 |0019FF0C|04639866|TestApp.exe |04239866|TestApp | |Initialization |690[122] |
|00000020|03 |0019FF84|77D98742|kernel32.dll|00018742|KERNEL32 | |BaseThreadInitThunk | |
Modules Information:
|Handle |Name |Description |Version |Size |Modified |Path |
|00400000|TestApp.exe | | |260111279|2017-04-19 15:48:00|C:\Program Files (x86)\Embarcadero\PAServer\17.0\scratch-dir\DAVIDE-MANU_32\TestApp\ |
|46480000|security.dll |Security Support Provider Interface |6.2.15063.0 |4608 |2017-03-18 22:58:49|C:\Windows\System32\ |
|5E470000|mscms.dll |DLL sistema di corrispondenza colori Microsoft |6.2.15063.0 |524288 |2017-03-18 22:58:54|C:\Windows\System32\ |
|5ED70000|msls31.dll |Microsoft Line Services library file |3.10.349.0 |187392 |2017-03-18 22:58:52|C:\Windows\System32\ |
|5EDB0000|riched20.dll |Rich Text Edit Control, v3.1 | |501248 |2017-03-18 22:58:59|C:\Windows\System32\ |
|66310000|GdiPlus.dll |Microsoft GDI+ |6.2.15063.0 |1448960 |2017-03-18 22:58:59|C:\Windows\WinSxS\x86_microsoft.windows.gdiplus_6595b64144ccf1df_1.1.15063.0_none_d802f55807fa1ec7\ |
ReplyDelete|6CFC0000|olepro32.dll |OLEPRO32.DLL |6.2.15063.0 |89088 |2017-03-18 22:58:41|C:\Windows\System32\ |
|6D290000|oleacc.dll |Active Accessibility Core Component |7.2.15063.0 |331776 |2017-03-18 22:58:59|C:\Windows\System32\ |
|6DFF0000|winspool.drv |Driver dello spooler di Windows |6.2.15063.138|429568 |2017-04-18 20:19:34|C:\Windows\System32\ |
|6E610000|cscapi.dll |Offline Files Win32 API |6.2.15063.0 |41984 |2017-03-18 22:58:39|C:\Windows\System32\ |
|6E620000|wkscli.dll |Workstation Service Client DLL |6.2.15063.0 |57920 |2017-03-18 22:58:47|C:\Windows\System32\ |
|6E6C0000|comctl32.dll |Libreria di controlli per le azioni dell'utente |6.10.15063.0 |2139040 |2017-03-18 22:58:58|C:\Windows\WinSxS\x86_microsoft.windows.common-controls_6595b64144ccf1df_6.0.15063.0_none_583b8639f462029f\|
|6E900000|WindowsCodecs.dll |Microsoft Windows Codecs Library |6.2.15063.138|1518088 |2017-04-18 20:19:34|C:\Windows\System32\ |
|6FDA0000|msimg32.dll |GDIEXT Client DLL |6.2.15063.0 |7168 |2017-03-18 22:58:59|C:\Windows\System32\ |
|704C0000|icm32.dll |Microsoft Color Management Module (CMM) |6.2.15063.0 |230400 |2017-03-18 22:58:54|C:\Windows\System32\ |
|70500000|mapi32.dll |MAPI 1.0 estesa per Windows NT |1.0.2536.0 |94720 |2017-03-18 22:58:42|C:\Windows\System32\ |
|70520000|tapi32.dll |DLL client dell'API di Telefonia di Microsoft® Windows(TM)|6.2.15063.0 |194048 |2017-03-18 22:58:54|C:\Windows\System32\ |
|70560000|fontsub.dll |Font Subsetting DLL |6.2.15063.0 |96768 |2017-03-18 22:58:59|C:\Windows\System32\ |
|70580000|oledlg.dll |Supporto interfaccia utente OLE |6.2.15063.0 |137728 |2017-03-18 22:58:41|C:\Windows\System32\ |
|70C40000|usp10.dll |Uniscribe Unicode script processor |6.2.15063.0 |77824 |2017-03-18 22:58:59|C:\Windows\System32\ |
|70E70000|propsys.dll |Sistema di proprietà Microsoft |7.0.15063.0 |1465360 |2017-03-18 22:58:51|C:\Windows\System32\ |
|71030000|dwmapi.dll |API di Gestione finestre desktop Microsoft |6.2.15063.0 |125344 |2017-03-18 22:58:59|C:\Windows\System32\ |
ReplyDelete|71060000|uxtheme.dll |Libreria UxTheme di Microsoft |6.2.15063.0 |474112 |2017-03-18 22:58:57|C:\Windows\System32\ |
|71D30000|WINMMBASE.dll |Base Multimedia Extension API DLL |6.2.15063.0 |129736 |2017-03-18 22:58:45|C:\Windows\System32\ |
|71DF0000|mpr.dll |DLL del router multiple provider |6.2.15063.0 |86296 |2017-03-18 22:58:49|C:\Windows\System32\ |
|71E80000|winmm.dll |DLL API MCI |6.2.15063.0 |135440 |2017-03-18 22:58:45|C:\Windows\System32\ |
|72520000|shfolder.dll |Shell Folder Service |6.2.15063.0 |9216 |2017-03-18 22:58:57|C:\Windows\System32\ |
|72680000|apphelp.dll |Libreria client compatibilità applicazione |6.2.15063.0 |584192 |2017-03-18 22:58:39|C:\Windows\System32\ |
|72720000|secur32.dll |Security Support Provider Interface |6.2.15063.0 |23040 |2017-03-18 22:58:50|C:\Windows\System32\ |
|72F90000|winsta.dll |Winstation Library |6.2.15063.0 |254720 |2017-03-18 22:58:58|C:\Windows\System32\ |
|73060000|netutils.dll |Net Win32 API Helpers DLL |6.2.15063.0 |37256 |2017-03-18 22:58:49|C:\Windows\System32\ |
|730F0000|userenv.dll |Userenv |6.2.15063.0 |133320 |2017-03-18 22:58:49|C:\Windows\System32\ |
|73120000|netapi32.dll |Net Win32 API DLL |6.2.15063.0 |68776 |2017-03-18 22:58:48|C:\Windows\System32\ |
|73B40000|bcrypt.dll |Libreria primitive di crittografia di Windows |6.2.15063.0 |93536 |2017-03-18 22:58:47|C:\Windows\System32\ |
|73BB0000|wtsapi32.dll |Windows Remote Desktop Session Host Server SDK APIs |6.2.15063.0 |53272 |2017-03-18 22:58:58|C:\Windows\System32\ |
|73EB0000|winhttp.dll |Servizi HTTP Windows |6.2.15063.0 |703576 |2017-03-18 22:58:49|C:\Windows\System32\ |
|73F60000|wininet.dll |Internet Extensions per Win32 |11.0.15063.0 |2859520 |2017-03-18 22:58:52|C:\Windows\System32\ |
|74230000|version.dll |Version Checking and File Installation Libraries |6.2.15063.0 |27424 |2017-03-18 22:58:58|C:\Windows\System32\ |
ReplyDelete|74630000|wsock32.dll |Windows Socket 32-Bit DLL |6.2.15063.0 |16384 |2017-03-18 22:58:48|C:\Windows\System32\ |
|74910000|CRYPTBASE.dll |Base cryptographic API DLL |6.2.15063.0 |31592 |2017-03-18 22:58:44|C:\Windows\System32\ |
|74920000|sspicli.dll |Security Support Provider Interface |6.2.15063.0 |124544 |2017-03-18 22:58:44|C:\Windows\System32\ |
|74940000|shlwapi.dll |Libreria leggera di utilità per la shell |6.2.15063.0 |277432 |2017-03-18 22:58:56|C:\Windows\System32\ |
|74990000|imm32.dll |Multi-User Windows IMM32 API Client DLL |6.2.15063.0 |143672 |2017-03-18 22:59:00|C:\Windows\System32\ |
|74BE0000|gdi32.dll |GDI Client DLL |6.2.15063.0 |129184 |2017-03-18 22:58:54|C:\Windows\System32\ |
|74C70000|bcryptPrimitives.dll|Windows Cryptographic Primitives Library |6.2.15063.138|354360 |2017-04-18 20:19:32|C:\Windows\System32\ |
|74CD0000|cfgmgr32.dll |Configuration Manager DLL |6.2.15063.0 |226816 |2017-03-18 22:58:49|C:\Windows\System32\ |
|751C0000|shell32.dll |DLL comune della shell di Windows |6.2.15063.0 |20374432 |2017-03-18 22:58:57|C:\Windows\System32\ |
|76510000|msvcrt.dll |Windows NT CRT DLL |7.0.15063.0 |769608 |2017-03-18 22:58:44|C:\Windows\System32\ |
|765D0000|win32u.dll |Win32u |6.2.15063.0 |81176 |2017-03-18 22:58:59|C:\Windows\System32\ |
|76610000|ws2_32.dll |DLL a 32 bit di Windows Socket 2.0 |6.2.15063.0 |415864 |2017-03-18 22:58:44|C:\Windows\System32\ |
|76680000|combase.dll |Microsoft COM per Windows |6.2.15063.0 |2328984 |2017-03-18 22:58:48|C:\Windows\System32\ |
|768C0000|KERNELBASE.dll |DLL client di Windows NT BASE API |6.2.15063.0 |1839872 |2017-03-18 22:57:35|C:\Windows\System32\ |
|76A90000|sechost.dll |Host for SCM/SDDL/LSA Lookup APIs |6.2.15063.0 |257792 |2017-03-18 22:58:44|C:\Windows\System32\ |
|76AE0000|rpcrt4.dll |Runtime RPC (Remote Procedure Call) |6.2.15063.0 |787712 |2017-03-18 22:58:44|C:\Windows\System32\ |
ReplyDelete|76BA0000|ucrtbase.dll |Microsoft® C Runtime Library |6.2.15063.0 |1150776 |2017-03-18 22:58:44|C:\Windows\System32\ |
|76D50000|imagehlp.dll |Windows NT Image Helper |6.2.15063.0 |95072 |2017-03-18 22:57:39|C:\Windows\System32\ |
|76DD0000|kernel.appcore.dll |AppModel API Host |6.2.15063.0 |47096 |2017-03-18 22:58:46|C:\Windows\System32\ |
|76DE0000|msctf.dll |MSCTF Server DLL |6.2.15063.0 |1333136 |2017-03-18 22:58:59|C:\Windows\System32\ |
|76F30000|msasn1.dll |ASN.1 Runtime APIs |6.2.15063.0 |49656 |2017-03-18 22:58:46|C:\Windows\System32\ |
|76F40000|user32.dll |Multi-User Windows USER API Client DLL |6.2.15063.0 |1292872 |2017-03-18 22:59:00|C:\Windows\System32\ |
|77080000|gdi32full.dll |GDI Client DLL |6.2.15063.138|1411640 |2017-04-18 20:19:32|C:\Windows\System32\ |
|771E0000|ole32.dll |Microsoft OLE per Windows |6.2.15063.138|986592 |2017-04-18 20:19:32|C:\Windows\System32\ |
|772E0000|msvcp_win.dll |Microsoft® C Runtime Library |6.2.15063.0 |491232 |2017-03-18 22:58:44|C:\Windows\System32\ |
|77360000|advapi32.dll |API Windows 32 Base avanzato |6.2.15063.0 |480920 |2017-03-18 22:58:39|C:\Windows\System32\ |
|773E0000|oleaut32.dll |OLEAUT32.DLL |6.2.15063.0 |605936 |2017-03-18 22:58:44|C:\Windows\System32\ |
|77480000|comdlg32.dll |DLL delle finestre di dialogo comuni |6.2.15063.0 |952832 |2017-03-18 22:58:56|C:\Windows\System32\ |
|77570000|crypt32.dll |Crypto API32 |6.2.15063.0 |1557288 |2017-03-18 22:58:47|C:\Windows\System32\ |
|776F0000|profapi.dll |User Profile Basic API |6.2.15063.0 |59456 |2017-03-18 22:58:44|C:\Windows\System32\ |
|77700000|SHCore.dll |SHCORE |6.2.15063.0 |569264 |2017-03-18 22:58:54|C:\Windows\System32\ |
|77790000|windows.storage.dll |API archiviazione Microsoft WinRT |6.2.15063.0 |5820984 |2017-03-18 22:58:52|C:\Windows\System32\ |
ReplyDelete|77D20000|psapi.dll |Process Status Helper |6.2.15063.0 |17112 |2017-03-18 22:58:39|C:\Windows\System32\ |
|77D30000|powrprof.dll |DLL helper del profilo di alimentazione |6.2.15063.0 |276400 |2017-03-18 22:58:48|C:\Windows\System32\ |
|77D80000|kernel32.dll |DLL client di Windows NT BASE API |6.2.15063.0 |599576 |2017-03-18 22:58:40|C:\Windows\System32\ |
|77E50000|ntdll.dll |DLL del livello NT |6.2.15063.0 |1620368 |2017-03-18 22:58:44|C:\Windows\System32\ |
Processes Information:
Assembler Information:
; Base Address: $40D000, Allocation Base: $400000, Region Size: 69390336
; System.UStrFromPWChar (Line=29405 - Offset=0)
; --------------------------------------------
0040D22C 31C9 XOR ECX, ECX
; Line=29406 - Offset=2
; -------------------
0040D22E 85D2 TEST EDX, EDX
; Line=29407 - Offset=4
; -------------------
0040D230 742D JZ +$2D ; ($0040D25F->0040C1C8) System._UStrFromPWCharLen
; Line=29408 - Offset=6
; -------------------
0040D232 52 PUSH EDX
; Line=29409 - Offset=7
; -------------------
0040D233 663B0A CMP CX, [EDX] ; <-- EXCEPTION
; Line=29410 - Offset=10
; --------------------
0040D236 7420 JZ +$20 ; ($0040D258) System._UStrFromPWChar (Line=29422)
; Line=29411 - Offset=12
; --------------------
0040D238 663B4A02 CMP CX, [EDX+2]
; Line=29412 - Offset=16
; --------------------
0040D23C 7417 JZ +$17 ; ($0040D255) System._UStrFromPWChar (Line=29421)
; Line=29413 - Offset=18
; --------------------
0040D23E 663B4A04 CMP CX, [EDX+4]
; Line=29414 - Offset=22
; --------------------
0040D242 740E JZ +$0E ; ($0040D252) System._UStrFromPWChar (Line=29420)
; Line=29415 - Offset=24
; --------------------
0040D244 663B4A06 CMP CX, [EDX+6]
; Line=29416 - Offset=28
; --------------------
0040D248 7405 JZ +5 ; ($0040D24F) System._UStrFromPWChar (Line=29419)
; Line=29417 - Offset=30
; --------------------
0040D24A 83C208 ADD EDX, 8
; Line=29418 - Offset=33
; --------------------
0040D24D EBE4 JMP $1C ; ($0040D233) System._UStrFromPWChar (Line=29409)
; Line=29419 - Offset=35
; ---------------------
0040D24F 83C202 ADD EDX, 2
; Line=29420 - Offset=38
; --------------------
0040D252 83C202 ADD EDX, 2
; Line=29421 - Offset=41
; --------------------
0040D255 83C202 ADD EDX, 2
; Line=29422 - Offset=44
; --------------------
0040D258 89D1 MOV ECX, EDX
; Line=29423 - Offset=46
; --------------------
0040D25A 5A POP EDX
; Line=29424 - Offset=47
; --------------------
0040D25B 29D1 SUB ECX, EDX
; Line=29425 - Offset=49
; --------------------
0040D25D D1E9 SHR ECX, 1
EAX: 0019E6A8 EDI: 00000001
EBX: 000F144A ESI: 105F62A8
ECX: 00000000 EBP: 0019E6B0
EDX: 00000002 ESP: 0019E684
EIP: 0040D233 FLG: 00010202
EXP: 0040D233 STK: 0019E684
Stack: Memory Dump:
---------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------
164F3174: 105F62A8 0040D233: 66 3B 0A 74 20 66 3B 4A 02 74 17 66 3B 4A 04 74 f;.t f;J.t.f;J.t
164F3170: 00000002 0040D243: 0E 66 3B 4A 06 74 05 83 C2 08 EB E4 83 C2 02 83 .f;J.t..........
164F316C: 0026128C 0040D253: C2 02 83 C2 02 89 D1 5A 29 D1 D1 E9 E9 64 EF FF .......Z)....d..
164F3168: 6E71E5B0 0040D263: FF C3 8D 40 00 57 50 51 89 D7 31 C0 F2 AE 75 02 ...@.WPQ..1...u.
164F3164: 0019E6CC 0040D273: F7 D1 58 01 C1 58 5F E9 69 F0 FF FF C3 57 50 51 ..X..X.i....WPQ
164F3160: 00000000 0040D283: 89 D7 31 C0 F2 66 AF 75 02 F7 D1 58 01 C1 58 5F ..1..f.u...X..X_
164F315C: 00000000 0040D293: E9 30 EF FF FF C3 8D 40 00 31 C9 85 D2 74 13 0F .0.....@.1...t..
164F3158: 0019E6B0 0040D2A3: B7 4A F4 FF 34 24 89 4C 24 04 8B 4A FC E9 9F EF .J..4$.L$..J....
164F3154: 016ACFCD 0040D2B3: FF FF E9 2E F0 FF FF C3 90 31 C9 85 D2 74 05 8B .........1...t..
164F3150: 0019E868 0040D2C3: 4A FC D1 E9 E9 FC EE FF FF C3 8D 40 00 31 C9 85 J..........@.1..
164F314C: 0019E6B0 0040D2D3: D2 74 03 8B 4A FC E9 1A EF FF FF C3 90 53 56 81 .t..J........SV.
164F3148: 016ACFB0 0040D2E3: C4 00 FE FF FF 8B D9 8B F0 81 FB FF 00 00 00 7E ...............~
164F3144: 0019E69C 0040D2F3: 05 BB FF 00 00 00 8B C2 85 C0 74 05 83 E8 04 8B ..........t.....
164F3140: 105F62A8 0040D303: 00 3B D8 7F 02 8B C3 85 C0 75 04 33 C0 EB 1F 50 .;.......u.3...P
164F313C: 016ACF5A 0040D313: 8D 44 24 04 8B CA BA FF 01 00 00 E8 6D EE FF FF .D$.........m...
164F3138: 00000002 0040D323: 85 C0 7D 04 33 C0 EB 06 3B D8 7D 02 8B C3 88 06 ..}.3...;.}.....
Crash on comctl32.dll
Seattle, Project option, Application page
if i set to NONE the manifest file combo and change 2 checkbox my appliation back to work fine
ReplyDeleteAfter a heavy debug, i have found the problem :
github.com - Added compat for W10 Creator update (Build 15063) · RRUZ/vcl-styles-utils@fd6fd42
The correct solution is to stop using VCL styles because this is liable to happen any time there is a system upgrade, leaving any users of your product high and dry.