A simple free class, experimental version, of a variable length data reader / writer using any TStream.

A simple free class, experimental version, of a variable length data reader / writer using any TStream.


Add, change, delete or get items of variable length (for example: strings) from / to streams at fast speed.

One stream is used as the index to another stream containing the data.
Streams can be TFileStream, TMemoryStream or any other kind capable of reading/writing bytes.

Pending: "trim" method to pack streams, optional sorted index for quick deletions (at the expense of slower random access), "array of T" automatic support


  1. Will you be doing some benchmarks to compare ?

  2. Brett Wilton no problem, but compared with? (database table with var text or binary field?)

  3. Yeah I was just think general performance comparisons and any compression improvement (just read that your still looking at trim). So yes compared to outher contenders like DB of some sort. Was just thinking it would be a good way to indicate the benifits of your class.


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