Hi all. I have a windows 10 store app. Its in the store. But there is an issue with the new up and coming windows 10S (student version?), i.e a permission issue with the creation of the apps settings file...normal windows 10 with full resources allocated (that is enabled for the app by default, no way to change that?), using gethomepath, works OK, but for windows 10s I am told I need to create the files inside the installation folder. Using location:=ExtractFilePath(ParamStr(0)); it does not like either (normal windows version, permission error), as that is a folder under c:\program files. what co mmand, like gethomepath, to use, to get the windows 10 installation folder location? thanks! , Brian
what I have found out so far is I need to find this path:
have done a work around...i.e list all directories in the package folder and search for the directory name that starts with the app name (it has a name added to that by windows (i.e a group of numbers and letters)