I have seen the fmxlinux website and the great product they have built, I am really loving it. But has embarcadero planned to have Linux Firemonkey on a future release? I'd like to see Linux FMX as "native" IDE feature and not as 3rd party component


  1. Ronald Klitsche Where is the updated roadmap? About the FMX Linux support

  2. Ronald Klitsche Don't buy into the "consideration" nonsense. That's where they put things we all want but they don't expect to actually deliver. For eight years they put "language-specific parallel programming features" in a similar way on the roadmap. Eight years. It wasn't until I made a big fuss about it and posted quotes from the CodeGear days about it that they suddenly added the parallel programming library to a release and then took the language-specific parallel programming item off the road map.

    Sticking things on the road map with a footnote saying that they don't know when or even if they will be implemented (check the slide!) is the way they try to placate us with "big-ticket" items they're not actually working on. I remember a blog conversation with Allan Bauer in which regarding a feature he said that they were "considering adding it to the road map". I replied that I was considering adding climbing Mount Everest to my to-do list and noted the similar level of commitment. :-)


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