Is there a way to alter a window/dialog from a vertical layout to a horizontal layout?

Is there a way to alter a window/dialog from a vertical layout to a horizontal layout?

e.g. from this
A: -----
B: -----
D: --------

To this
A:-------- C:-------
B:-------- D:------

To this
A:---- B:----- C:------ D:-------

As I resize the window?
A,B,C,D are edit boxes or comboboxes etc.


  1. You might consider placing each item into a borderless panel, to help the FlowPanel arrange things more nicely. Each panel would be set to the same size...

  2. Bill Meyer, Yes that's a good suggestion. You can even make the borderless panel a flowpanel, so that if your window gets really narrow you can resize the panel_per_item to have the label above the editbox so that things are still usable.

  3. Stéphane Wierzbicki Rather not have too many 3rd party dependencies.


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