Licensing issue: has anyone experienced this before ?

Licensing issue: has anyone experienced this before ?
Using Delphi 10.1 Berlin Update 2 Pro with subscription...
It's been a few days now, Delphi starts as usual and I can work with it but when first compilation finishes, Delphi IDE closes and launches a web browser to a URL with incorrect license registration.
I ignore it, restart Delphi, re-compile the project, and it now works as expected. And it continues to work for some time. Then, this happens again.
Running the license manager: no problem.
Any idea of what could be going wrong here ?


  1. Fred Ahrens Have you considered using one of your three support incidents per year for this issue? It is most likely that these errors never occur at the Embarcadero team itself and thus would probably be never investigated otherwise.

  2. Uwe Raabe I'm in contact with Embarcadero but not via a support incident. I also did offer to install suitable tracking software or whatever might be required to track down the source of this problem. There are also several QC entries related to this issue - all still open. Having the autosave option enabled, lowered my frustration level dramatically as it stopped latest source code changes. But being interrupted during a debug session is still frustrating.

    If you think, using a support incident may help, please let me know and I will go that way as well.

  3. Fred Ahrens Already being in contact with Embarcadero should be sufficient. You might raise the frequency you pester them.


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