LiveBindings-Enabled FMX cross-platform Document Viewer: LiveBind viewer to TBlobField objects to show documents stored in Blob Fields.

LiveBindings-Enabled FMX cross-platform Document Viewer: LiveBind viewer to TBlobField objects to show documents stored in Blob Fields.
And I'll be going live in a few hours for Gnostice with a short presentation on XtremeDocumentStudio. I'll be showing some of these new features.
The webinar is hosted by Embarcadero. Please do join us ;-)
#XtremeDocumentStudio #Delphi #windows #macOS #iOS #Android
I've late for the webminar. Can I see it in youtube or other internet place? please!
ReplyDeleteJuan C. Cilleruelo Embarcadero will be publishing the replay and I think with the Q&A. I will post the link here when we have it. Thanks for your interest!
ReplyDeleteJuan C. Cilleruelo Here it is: - Gnostice XtremeDocumentStudio