I have seen that Embarcadero has a new roadmap and I have also seen that there is a discussion about the implementation of firemonkey for linux. Will that happen in the future?

I have seen that Embarcadero has a new roadmap and I have also seen that there is a discussion about the implementation of firemonkey for linux. Will that happen in the future?

I already know about fmxlinux but it's not free. I'd really love to see Delphi 10.X with linux firemonkey (also because the architect licence is very expensive and I don't want to spend even more for a 3rd party component...). Why Delphi tokyo didn't include firemonkey for linux?


  1. Because Eugene left Embarcadero (was left by?), as with many valuable developers of the product... They may eventually buy FMXLinux from him...
    This is clever R&D management, for sure! :(

  2. In addition to the FMX for Linux, you also need the Linux compiler. But this is only included in the Enterprise version. AFAIK, Emba see Linux as a Server platform, not for the Desktop.

    But Linux desktop in now a consideration point on the roadmap. Maybe it will change ... in a few years;-)

  3. You noticed it already happened: fmxlinux.com - FmxLinux Home
    You also noticed that like Delphi, it isn't free. Living on the cutting edge always has a price (monetary or otherwise), so you need to ask yourself what is it worth to you now.

    Speculating on future product directions not on the roadmap is just that: gambling.

    You could estimate your bets based on that Embarcadero fired the FMX team and the original FMX architect launched FmxLinux.


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