I was wondering which component to use to get the same tabbed docking that photoshop using, in photoshop you can dock panels as tabs and you can reorder them by dragging the tab or you can dock them together under each other

I was wondering which component to use to get the same tabbed docking that photoshop using, in photoshop you can dock panels as tabs and you can reorder them by dragging the tab or you can dock them together under each other,
I have tried to mimic same results with the jvcl and lmd docking components but apperantly they are not same with the system of photoshop using,
can you let me know which component to use to get the same result or anyone has any example for me to study and work on
Heinz Toskano thanks, rmklever and chrometabs are really nice tabbing systems and they both are open source but they dont have any built in docking properties, I will check both source code and see what i can do, actualy it would be nice to add docking properties one of them