A First Peak at Water, our New IDE for Windows



  1. Jolyon Direnko-Smith That's a good point. Do you know why it got kicked?

  2. +InstallAware I don't know - you'd have to ask Embarcadero. Let us know how you get on. ;)

    But if I had to surmise then I'd say that I think it was more than just a coincidence that the cross-platform story of Oxygene/Elements was beginning to come together. Ultimately, if nothing else, I imagine it was simply cheaper and easier for Embarcadero to buy outright the one-man technology that became FireMonkey than it was to acquire Elements or otherwise continue the relationship with RemObjects on terms that Embarcadero would have wanted and that RemObjects would have been happy with.

    And if that meant kissing goodbye to .Net support (and with it any real presence in the enterprise or back-end development space) then I doubt this was any great loss to Embarcadero. Realistically, Delphi had been losing ground in that space for years and there wasn't much left to draw the shutters down on.

    But I stress, this is all just my opinion/speculation. I have no inside track on any of it.

  3. Jolyon Direnko-Smith We're getting along much better now, thanks :)


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