Hello everyone, I have a big FMX app that is running on android devices in some companies and one of those asked me an iOS version too for their iPhone. I do not have a mac computer so I want to use my VMWare and install El Captain.

Hello everyone, I have a big FMX app that is running on android devices in some companies and one of those asked me an iOS version too for their iPhone. I do not have a mac computer so I want to use my VMWare and install El Captain.

I have seen that the documentation suggests to use a mac computer and run on it a windows virual machine with Delphi on it. I can't afford to buy a new mac (expensive as hell).

Does delphi work properly if on my win10 I run mac on VMWare? I mean, my win is powerful enough and I can use a bridged connection, so PAserver should be able to recognize my mac. Can this work?


  1. If you work over an original Mac OS X, with VMWare Fusion or with Parallels, you can create as many virtual machines of your host operating system as you need. Without worries about licence terms or other problems.

    And it's legal!!!

    The only limit is that the applications bought that you have installed on the host machine, may not be installed on virtual machines. At least I have some problem with this.

    And you can create Ubuntu server on VMWare machines, to try FMLinux or other things.

    As I said previously it's an amazing manner of work with Delphi.

  2. Juan C. Cilleruelo I may be misunderstanding what you said, however it's not legal to run macOS in VM's if your host OS is not macOS (I do this to test newer versions of macOS and Xcode).
    Raffaele Miola Whilst new Macs can be expensive, there's quite often refurbished items available here:
    apple.com - Refurbished Mac
    ..and very likely reasonably priced 2nd-hand items in your local area.


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