How to bring Help Window to the front?

How to bring Help Window to the front?

I tend to leave windows or applications running - it's faster that way, but I don't use a tiled desktop layout (applications rather appear behind each other). But one very annoying thing (actually there are many things) is that when I press F1 (or the Help button) in the IDE to display some or other help, it doesn't bring the Help Window to the front. It simply flashes in the task bar. This makes no sense. If I explicitly pressed F1, I would expect it to show me the help I requested. Instead I have to now first leave the keyboard, grab the mouse and then click the annoying flashing taskbar button. Then only do I see the help I requested.

Is there any way to tell Delphi to bring the help window to the front when I press F1? I'm using Delphi XE under Windows 7.


  1. Yes Attila Kovacs that should work (as a work-around), but the important point is, I shouldn't need to do that. I explicitly requested to see help, but the IDE forces me to do extra steps before I actually see that help. That is just wrong behaviour. For all other applications (on Linux, Windows and OSX), if you request help, you see help immediately.

    It's just amazing that nobody has raised this issue before - and I'm using a 7 year old Delphi version. Are the Delphi community so complacent to simply accept EMBT's failures. I've returned to Delphi development for two weeks already (a contracting job), and noticed so many issues with the IDE (which still aren't resolved in the latest Delphi either). That is just worrying. Vote with your wallet - stop upgrading until EMBT actually starts fixing its product - you are paying a fortune for it (where most other development tools are free and better quality).

  2. Just to put it out there.. FPC and Lazarus are excellent development tools and free and open source. Issues get fixed within days of being reported. The Delphi developers are going themselves no favours staying with a closed source development tool.

  3. Same here
    To get the Help window (in Windows 10) I do right click on tile window for Help Windows (on mouse over in taskbar) and then if not appears I do click on Restore or Maximize


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