Where from I can get the cheapest certificate for signing APPX applications?


  1. We use Tucows/Comodo. They're the cheapest I've found:

    1 year Comodo Code Signing Certificate: $75.00
    2 year Comodo Code Signing Certificate: $140.00
    3 year Comodo Code Signing Certificate: $195.00

  2. I personally do not recommend Comodo. It took them months to not renew my certificate, delaying a release of Navigator by months to early this year, and I eventually ended up going with Thawte.

    I've considered writing a blog post about my experience with them but tend to prefer not to publicly complain too much about bad customer experiences. Nevertheless, I will never use them again and can definitely recommend Thawte - more expensive but a lot more pleasant to work with.

  3. I actually purchased my Code Signing certificate from sslpoint.com - SSLPOINT who acutally is a go-between all certificates, they provided support and gives you the choice of the different vendors without the grief. Not sure what happened with David Millington but i have never experience that issue with Comodo unless you do not have the proper information when renewing that is where they are a pain in the butt.

    Look at SSLPoint, i found they do provide me support when i needed it .


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