Does RAD Server (EWS) run on Linux?

Does RAD Server (EWS) run on Linux?

Are there any similar libraries (ie., that make it easy to set up a REST-based service) for Delphi that DO run on Linux and do NOT have any additional run-time costs?

(A framework that's compiled into the application would be fine, as opposed to a standalone server that supports plugins/addons.)


  1. As OpenSource third party, if you don't have the Architect edition, or an older Delphi revision, you can use FPC/Lazarus to compile and debug under Linux, and develop your services or MVC web server using our - using Delphi for the Win32/Win64 dev.

  2. As a. Bouches says, fpc for linux :)

  3. I just deployed a little server to Linux using FPC/Lazarus and A. Bouchez awesome mORMot I recommend it


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