Hello, I am curious about your situation and write about purchase the maintenance.

Hello, I am curious about your situation and write about purchase the maintenance.

In my country, if want to buy a Delphi, have to use the reseller. But, I think the following situation is strange, what about the other countries? Is it normal and same?

My case is forgotten the re-purchase it, three months ago. Yes, it is my fault. So I asked to the reseller about the buy it.

And the answer is like followings:
1. Can not buy it for the original maintenance price.
2. If I want to buy it, I have to pay for it by 100% increment. And they call it the penalty.
3. But the maintenance period is same. It means I pay again it after nine months. But It is weird, I pay for it by double price. Uhmm... Because of the penalty?
4. They told me, it is EMBT policy.

Looking at other development tools, I have used the JetBrains product like a WebStorm. And also they have a similar policy maintenance. The only difference is there is no penalty and If I buy the maintenance the will only be extended for the remaining period.

What do you think? If the situation is weird, I hope that it will be improved in a good way.

By the way, because almost every product is using a Delphi and I need to 10.2.1 update, I will soon be making a purchase.

Thank you for reading :)


  1. I think you should be entitled to purchase a subscription for the original price but that it should cover the remaining period as per Jetbrains. Perhaps a small premium for not having paid would be fair. But what you or I think probably won't make a difference.

  2. So on the one hand they call months in advance and almost pester the customer into renewing their subscription and on the other hand, if you are just too late, they make you pay a ridiculous premium. I'm glad I'm just using VCL so I can just take the most stable recent edition available to me and avoid all that subscription madness for a few years.


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