I got memory leaks on my project after update using Tokyo Release 1

I got memory leaks on my project after update using Tokyo Release 1
i test sample, add ReportMemoryLeaksOnShutdown := True
on sample file
C:\Users\Public\Documents\Embarcadero\Studio\19.0\Samples\Object Pascal\Multi-Device Samples\User Interface\Controls\MobileControls.dproj


  1. Depending on your software infastructure, switching to what may appear as greener grass can come with significant price tag, and I am not just talking about the cost of new tools. If you have software that is used in analytical laboratories that is classified as clinical then expect to spend some big bucks to make that switch to greener grass. You got to jump through all the FDA compliance loops again, pay for code validation again, testing, and then get a new insurance policy,... if you are even able to get one.

    It turns out to be much less costly to just sue the compiler manufacturer to get them to bring their product into alignment, or recover the necessary transition costs in the suit.

  2. i'm still using delphi seattle with some report bug not fix until now, i'm install tokyo because have yearly subscription. may be next i dont want to extend it. because new release not help for me. i told them in their survey, if my report bug not fix, i wont extend subscription again. bye bye

  3. Ronald Klitsche have a look at react native as well.


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