I'm interested in using Delphi to access a couple of the Amazon APIs, and I notice there's nothing around for Delphi (classes that wrap the various REST-based interfaces). Then I just read something that says the latest versions come with a couple of things built-in that support Amazon and Google services.
I'm interested in using Delphi to access a couple of the Amazon APIs, and I notice there's nothing around for Delphi (classes that wrap the various REST-based interfaces). Then I just read something that says the latest versions come with a couple of things built-in that support Amazon and Google services.
What are y'all typically using for this?
What are y'all typically using for this?
ReplyDeleteI think I saw that it supports 3 platforms, but for the async it requires the native HTTP service. Yes?
ReplyDeleteThe Async looks like Windows only (WinHTTP).