I would like to find a tool which can help with the management of uses clauses in a large legacy project. In particular, would like to move out of the interface uses clause anything which is needed only in the implementation of the unit(s).

I would like to find a tool which can help with the management of uses clauses in a large legacy project. In particular, would like to move out of the interface uses clause anything which is needed only in the implementation of the unit(s).

I have seen only Icarus (now discontinued) and Pascal Analyzer supporting such analysis. I tried Pascal Analyzer Lite, which replaces Icarus, this morning, and found that some of the units it identifies as movable to implementation are not, in fact.

It would also be nice to find a tool which more than merely generate a list of actions to be manually taken.


  1. Eli M Not a solution to my needs, but an interesting item, anyway.

    After all these years, we might hope that Delphi would gain some built-in tools for serious analytical actions.

  2. To my knowledge, only PA/Icarus(now PA Lite) are the only tools that can do what you want to do... and they are not always 100% correct (when I have used them in the past)

  3. Nicholas Ring Good to know. The false positives, I have already seen.


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