Okay i had something strange.

Okay i had something strange.
I have a Project(in Berlin). The project was originally created in D7. Later opened in XE to generate DProj files. Than migrated to XE6 and now to Berlin.
The obsolete cfg/dof file are still existing.

I could compile it using MSBuild and XE+XE6. However in Berlin, it suddenly does not using MSbuild. The reason: The cfg/dof files reference Packages i used back when i used D7. Those packages do nolonger exist and aren't used in the dproj files(there i use other packages).

However in berlin, the cfg/dof values are actually taken into account(again) and therefore failing with "required package xy not found". Deleting cfg/dof files fixed it. Why is it suddenly working with these old files again?

EDIT: To correct myself cfg files were always used, but it seems the packageproperty in the CFG isn't overriden by the one in the dproj anymore.


  1. Delete them. That's what I did when I migrated from D7 to XE7. I had the same problem. And, since I had a copy, I simply deleted those files and they were never recreated. So, it looks like that the compiler will use them if they are there and they seem to take precedence from the dproj file. But, if they are not there, the dproj file is used. I think the reference to those files should have been removed from the compiler, if they are not created by the latest Delphi versions, and no longer required.

  2. Daniel Rail already deleted them ;)
    And there is no reference. The compiler simply looks for an euivalently named file. If you have MyDemo.dproj, it will look for MyDemo.cfg in the same folder. But then again it seemed until XE6 Dproj settings correctly override it, but not anymore


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