Security System With Mobile Phone and Arduino.
Security Device with Mobile Phone And Arduino.
This is my start for Vision Security System integrated with Arduino and Mobile Phone.
Reuse old cell phone to do Motion-detecting and Object-Tracking, then send the analysis data to Arduino via Blue-Tooth.
Motion-Detecting : Classify the motion strength and inform Arduino to do warning, locking, Power On/Off other devices....etc. Motoring baby's activity.....
Object-Tracking : Collecting the moving data and convert it from pixels to real unit ( inch), send it to Arduino to drive motors, servos....etc.
Keep Updated:
Easy to use, just one click to make your phone a motion detector.
ReplyDeleteWith mobile app or windows exe, it will analyse and classify the motion and tracking data, according to your setting on alarm sensitivity, it will then sound emergency voice if detecting any motion activity.
Place the mobile phone. Adjust the alarm sensitivity. Enable alarm,Once there is any motion activity occurs, it will alarm with emergency sound.
Google Play :
Win32, Win64, Android download here. - Arduino 電子線路、韌體、軟體下載區 AppImage.png RgbStrip02.JPG ...