The IDE is lost when you define something like

The IDE is lost when you define something like

TRecord = record
dummy : record
any: Integer;

code completion (Ctrl+Shift+C) or code navigation (Ctrl+Shift+Up/Down) do not work anymore


  1. Not to be picky, but in which version?

  2. Sounds like a great small code sample, please file in QP :)

  3. David Millington i do not use C#/VS very much. But i remember that error insight/code completion and such worked. At least at the "glance" i had. At the same cursory use of Delphis' corresponding functionality it's like... ahh... bummer.

    Now to my question; i and a lot of other here are very much aware that the background compiler is not the same code/instance/process as the "real" compiler.

    This has been mentioned as the source devil of our woes. Are you (Emba) going to continue to "patch" the background process to match the compiler for each QA you get?

    Frankly; this does not make sense to me. What i'm trying to say is that after so much time all of us (from one-man-shops to the enterprise kings/fortune 50½ and such) would start some kind of re-write or re-engineering. Simply say; "that did not do it, good we are in IT - lets do it again (because we can) and do it right this time".

    To the chase; is that going to happen? Should it? When? This is not a rant, my query is honest.

  4. Dany Marmur Maybe you can drop me an email with your thoughts? Easier to track / reply than G+.

    Partly: yes, if we have bugs in that parser, we want to fix them. That's easy :) Long-term, it's something we're looking into along with related things like code completion, code insight, etc (which do currently use the actual compiler.)

  5. David Millington, sounds good. My "ideas" are of no value, i'm looking at this (albeit for many years) from the absolute outside. I have never even thought about writing stuff for the IDE (OTAPI). So i do not know about the complexity.

    This is - i'm old... but i never went to school (i.e. system science university and so on) so the way i code is "interacting with the compiler" rather than learn to recite it all. I would never be able to write code with a pen that works. "Learning" from the compilers messages, well - i think it's more common... So this is where all markings/helpers of code becomes extremely important. There are some autodidact kids out there. If you want them to love Delphi - i think all this should be "upped" in importance. This is about the future. Not all young people get a hard-on* when looking at javascript.

    * Because a lot of girls are coding too; because js sucks, because some want to actually get under the hood and understand, and and what have we not :)


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