Anyone else's yearly maintenance fees for Delphi triple this time around? It's a big hit for an open source project (and for our devs) so it will likely cause us to explore other options.


  1. I paid it two days ago. Same as last year without that 4% increase as last years.
    But I removed that platinum subscription.

  2. No, I had the usual 4% raise per year. Make sure you have no additional Premium Subscription in your quote, which you probably never need. You might also have a quote for multiple years. Also check that the items in the quote match the ones from last year. Perhaps someone tries to lift you on a higher SKU?. Send them the quote from last year as a reference. As said, a 4% raise is to be expected, but not more.

  3. It was Platinum. Nowhere in the email or in the PDF quote does it state that it is optional and it was the first time an account manager included it by default. I can imagine a lot of companies won't bother to read it and just pay it and never use it, which is why they're taking that tactic.

  4. My account manager confirmed that Embarcadero is how automatically adding premium support to all contracts by default, so be sure you look closely when you renew.


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