Any api or component to have geolocation feature to detect users nearby?


  1. Would Google Play Services Nearby API help you here, saves you all the infrastructure - but might be too short ranged (100 ft/30 m) - works on Android and iOS. - Nearby | Google APIs for Android | Google Developers

  2. Some databases have spatial functions, eg - PostGIS for Postgres. That allows you to query for nearby locations, so serverside it could periodically look for other users near you.

  3. There are plenty of geo-coding sites out there, Google included. They ahev documentation here : - Getting Started | Google Maps Geocoding API | Google Developers

    I did some geocoding using just URL's / XML on Androind ( not Delphi ) a few years back and it just worked. It's not super accurate all the time, but if you get the Lat/Long it will return a fairly accurate address.

    Hope this hleps


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