"Roselt Color Picker" is the best Color Picker on the Windows 10 Store.

"Roselt Color Picker" is the best Color Picker on the Windows 10 Store.


It's quite nice to have for programmers and graphics designers. It's also free!


  1. Nice but I like Color Cop better. Probably just not used to this yet

  2. Adz Baywes Yes I like Color Cop also. I was using ColorCop and BrazuColor before Roselt Color Picker

  3. Adz Baywes The only proplem if I remember correctly what I had ColorCop was the lack of support for high DPI and high DP scaling. I'm on 4K and 8K.

  4. I might have sounded too hard on my first comment, sorry about that. I am using color cop for years now, and what I like most about it is it's magnifier, there were times that I needed to get a certain color of a tiny object, like the color of this text.

    I don't know about the problem for high DPI as I don't have it. Anyway, this app is cool. Can you also add in magnifier and hints on the buttons? And Esc key to cancel the capture? Thanks.

  5. Adz Baywes Oh yes. I can definitely add that. I'll add it for you.

  6. Adz Baywes Okay. So I've implemented all those things for you except the magnifier. I'll release this update tomorrow for you.

    As for the magnifier feature. I will still implement it, just not now immediately, but soon.


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