I'm wondering if somebody with access to Tokyo source code could check something for me before I submit a bug report. I just want to be sure that the defect still exists.

I'm wondering if somebody with access to Tokyo source code could check something for me before I submit a bug report. I just want to be sure that the defect still exists.

In Vcl.Imaging.GIFImg, in my XE7 version there is this function:

function TDIBWriter.GetScanline(Row: integer): pointer;

if (FDIBBits = nil) then
with FDIBInfo^.bmiHeader do
if (Row < 0) or (Row >= Height) then
raise EInvalidGraphicOperation.Create(SScanLine);

if biHeight > 0 then // bottom-up DIB
Row := biHeight - Row - 1;
Result := PByte(Cardinal(FDIBBits) + Cardinal(Row) * AlignBit(biWidth, biBitCount, 32));
Result := FBitmap.ScanLine[Row];

The sub-expression Cardinal(FDIBBits) is a pointer truncation bug under the 64 bit compiler. That sub-expression should be NativeUInt(FDIBBits).

I wonder if Emba have done any top down memory allocation testing.

Anyway, would it be possible for somebody with access to the latest Tokyo source code to check whether or not the defect is still present.



  1. "I dont think" statements can be equally be replaced with the word SMOKE.

    JIRA data can be exported to html and some kind of cron job can keep it updated.

    It boils down to EMBA forthcoming.

  2. Conjecture is otherwise known as FUD. I searched for the issue and find no existing Feature Request for opening JIRA to anonymous users. Find the instructions for doing so and post a Feature Request. Not that I think it will make a difference but it will make more of a difference than ranting ineffectively in this venue.

  3. I wouldnt be surprised that if they didnt offer anonymous access. But it still can be exported to html and managed by cron.


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