

Originally shared by Delphi

Delphi and C++ Builder optical barcode recognition library for Android utilizing the ZXing library. It supports UPC-A, UPC-E, EAN-8, EAN-13, Code 39, Code 93, Code 128, Codabar, ITF, RSS-14, RSS-Expanded, QR Code, Data Matrix, Aztec and PDF 417 barcodes. Take a look!
#Android #Delphi


  1. Yes Winsoft has some very cool libraries. They also provide the best camera libs I know for Delphi. - Products

  2. No idea yet. Did not know that project.

  3. Larry Hengen Wow. That project looks very cool. Compared to winsoft it has the advantage that no so dylib or dll is needed. well ... which might also be a disadvantage. winsoft is quite fast in supporting new versions.

  4. Roland Kossow The bigest advantage of ZXing.Delphi is that it's open source. ^o^

  5. H Visli True. But vendor suppprt is sometimes also a plus. the winsoft components also come with sources. not for the libs though.

  6. What I do not like with WinSoft components, is that they package Open Source libraries, and ask for payment for their wrappers. As a personal taste, I fell uncomfortable with this approach, even if it is compatible with the library license. Asking money for support does make sense, but the wrappers should be available as Open Source, too - via a viral license, if they wish.


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