Oups.... MacOS32 "Design time" package compilation crash

Oups.... MacOS32 "Design time" package compilation crash


  1. A design time package should never be compiled for OSX. At least you should not install it in the ide.

  2. Christen Blom-Dahl​ I do understand that we cannot install it but why the hell do this crash the IDE

  3. Have you checked memory consumption?
    I prefer to install TMS Flexcel and it will do the build without the IDE.
    Or check "Use MSBuild externally to compile" if you want to do it from the IDE.

  4. Cristian PeÈ›a​ I'm getting error on the Win64 platform when letting TMS Flexcel do the compilation. I'll check with MSBuild. Thank for the tip.

  5. A design time package usually makes use of the designide package and only needs to be a design time package when it is meant to be installed into the IDE. Given that designide is only available for win32, there is either no need or no way to compile a design time package for anything other than win32.
    So what is your intent to compile that package as a design time package for Win64 or OSX?
    Does it compile when you make it runtime only?

  6. Uwe Raabe I have no intent to compile or install a design time package for any other platform then win32. It is crystal clear that an Desgin time package cannot be (as time speaking) something else then Win32.

    Thing is that I've clicked on the root entry and have selected "Compile All". I must admit that I was to lazy to compile each runtime packages at a time.

    What I don't understand is why the IDE is crashing.

  7. Stéphane Wierzbicki Well, I cannot comment the crash, but instead of having to "Compile All" I would say that is a perfect case for Build Groups: uweraabe.de - Do you know Build Groups?
    That would allow a "Compile All for all suitable platforms and all available build configurations".

  8. Stéphane Wierzbicki Can you repro this in a new project, or do you have any problems attaching source to a QP report? If so, please report it. It should not be possible to build for designtime for anything other than Win32, and it definitely should not crash.

  9. Stéphane Wierzbicki Can you repro this in a new project, or do you have any problems attaching source to a QP report? If so, please report it. It should not be possible to build for designtime for anything other than Win32, and it definitely should not crash.

  10. David Millington I can reproduce it all the time with the TMS FlexCel library. Not sure if I can send you the sources (as it belongs to TMS). I'll try to recreate a working test case.

  11. Please do. No worries about third-party sources, don't include those. But if it only happens with that library it may indicate a bug there, rather than in the IDE as such.

  12. Hi Stéphane,

    I wonder what else could be happening here. FlexCel code is complex with lots of generics and it tends to break the Delphi compiler a lot, but I've just tested this here in a clean machine with the latest FlexCel installed and I got the expected error that "required package design ide is not found"

    Could this be related to IDE Fix pack or some other addin? (I see there is a green progress bar in your progress dialog which is likely from an addin).

    I also wonder about the error you got in Win64: we haven't got any other reports of that. Can you send me the log at c:\VCL\TMS\FlexCelVCLNT\Setup\FlexCel_build_log.txt to adrian@tmssoftware.com ? (after a setup that crashed with the error)

  13. Adrian Gallero Yes I'm using IDE Fix pack : this is maybe causing the problem. I'll send you the log tomorrow.

    David Millington I'll disable IDE Fix pack and test this again. You could get in touch with Adrian Gallero as they are facing this kind of issues too.


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