Has anyone heard news on when Berlin will receive a Subscription Update or hotfix to make it work properly with XCode 9 and the simulators?

Has anyone heard news on when Berlin will receive a Subscription Update or hotfix to make it work properly with XCode 9 and the simulators?
I’m using the recommend terrible workaround for testing and deploying to a device but it’s not great given Berlin is still a supported IDE and Tokyo is still so broken I can’t upgrade yet.

Seriously Idera where are your priorities on keeping thing working? I really doubt as many people care about new features as the existing core ones working properly!!


  1. Thanks Lars, I’ve done that and will put any reply back in here. I’m sure I’m not the only one getting frustrated by all this.

  2. Lars Fosdal Are they active on the official forums now? They never used to be.

  3. Joseph Mitzen Not the old forums. Not sure about the new ones.


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