Hi, guys

Hi, guys,
I made a Fmx TFrame, then put it on a form, named TMainForm, compile and run, works fine so far. So I saved the project and close all.

Then, I open this project again, shows the error "Error Creating Form: Index out of range(76). Must be >=0 and < 76. ", and failed to load the form. Can't toggle to form.

Need help.


Souce code as attached. and the error message as following.




  1. in the _history folder, delphi saves files for you. ie. there is some older main.fmx with a .~number at the end of the file. copy that file to main folder, rename the orginal main.fmx asa main.fmx.wrong, then rename the Main.fmx.~49~ as Main.fmx (when the project is not loaded in the ide). This should fix it

  2. Brian Hamilton
    Hi, Brian,

    Not work.

    I found the problem is in TFmxDebugFrame. I re-struct it again by copy and paste the component one by one, and it seems has limitation in components count. The error happened during my paste works ( Copy one component each time, paste it to TFrame, save, close main form tab, open it again by click in Project explorer. repeat until error happened).

    I restore the original worked mainform, not worked anymore.

    Any idea?

  3. What I explained worked for me to get rid of the error

  4. My IDE is Berlin 10.1. Could it be the problem?

  5. Did you got the error message while opening the project?

  6. Too bad, I clean all history files in my original project, can't tried more other worked files. Any other way to fix the TFrame?

  7. I found it works again when I delete the left layout "loLeft0". Any one knows why?


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