Little demo for the Desktop Duplication API
Little demo for the Desktop Duplication API
Paul TOTH Delphi berlin
ReplyDeleteI head to change
Memo1.Lines.Add('no frame ' + IntToHex(Index,4)); <4
Timer1.Enabled := FDuplication.Error = 0; << false
what now?
May be i do not have DLL_D3D11?where it comes from?
Window 7
I have directX 11
Searched MY pc NO DLL_D3D11
hum...I don't know where it come from, I had it already on my PC :)
ReplyDeleteBTW in the code I request an HARWARE support for DirectX it can fail on some PC
the original code use a less restrictive approach trying D3D_DRIVER_TYPE_HARDWARE, then D3D_DRIVER_TYPE_WARP and D3D_DRIVER_TYPE_REFERENCE for D3D11CreateDevice
Great, thanks (Müthişsin, teşekkürler)
ReplyDeletePaul TOTH WARP can be very fast in some cases, so you could try that as well. It's a good fallback.
ReplyDeletePaul TOTH It seems this DLL (DLL_D3D11) is too special.
ReplyDeleteBut D3D11.dll is all over. Can you check your source with D3D11?
It seem to be same.
shlomo abuisak there's no special DLL it's a const !
DLL_D3D11 = 'd3d11.dll';
Paul TOTH oops