New IDE Fix Pack 6.1 for Delphi 2009-10.2 Tokyo.

New IDE Fix Pack 6.1 for Delphi 2009-10.2 Tokyo.
First version that makes changes to the generated binary.

- Eliminates duplicate DLL imports and delay DLL imports (Win32/64 default on)
- Removes fwait (Win32, default off)
- Replaces XCHG in stack frames (Win32, default off)
- Replaces XCHG in virtual method calls through interfaces (Win32, default off)


  1. Andreas Hausladen Thank you Andreas but the same result, back to v5.96 for now.

  2. Andreas Hausladen I get AV when I reopen project, I don't know that is IDEFix error but maybe, please see into callstack: - [500657FC]{rtl250.bpl } System.@DynArrayClear (Line 35175, "System.pas" + 0) + -

  3. Used the G+ Search to find people talking about Fix-Pack... as I'm using 10.2 now (from XE2) and I'm still finding performance issues in the IDE.

    I was surprised that the makers of Delphi haven't incorporated these fixes. Then I read about QC backlog (doesn't every product have this) and see the reason for no fixes is basically too many requests.

    So, I'm here to pat Andreas Hausladen on the back again, but wonder why the IDE still needs this and still have performance issues.


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