Is anybody aware of a good opensource library which can be used to import ical data into a Delphi object model?

Is anybody aware of a good opensource library which can be used to import ical data into a Delphi object model?
I found ... ... which is not quite good yet and I am thinking about developing improving/something based on that library. But I do not want to do that if anybody can point me to a maybe already existing better library for


  1. - dzlib + buildtools / SvnCode / [r719] /dzlib/trunk/src/u_dzICalParser.pas

    Not sure that it qualifies as "good". I only wrote it to import some iCal data into one of my personal projects.

  2. Thomas Mueller Cool. Thanks. Yes - your code looks good. But if I got it right from quickly scanning the link, you also do not implement iCal timezones - right?

  3. Roland Kossow​ It has been a while since I wrote it, but it's entirely possible that I missed that detail. It wasn't my intention to have a complete implementation, I just wanted to get a reasonable one for the job at hand.


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