Is there an IDE expert that would create a dockable window containing list of all editor tabs. I would then dock this window vertically next to the editor so I could quickly switch between open units.

Is there an IDE expert that would create a dockable window containing list of all editor tabs. I would then dock this window vertically next to the editor so I could quickly switch between open units.

Tabs are just useless when you have 15 units open and hunting for the small "v" button on the editor tabs bar is just painful.

If not, is somebody willing to write it?


  1. What would you like to see instead of the dropdown menu? Shrinking tabs like Chrome?

    There is the buffer list (Ctrl+B by default) which can help.

  2. I would be happy with a listbox :) Functionality over design etc.

    Buffer list is terribly unreadable (I don't care about paths). It also shows stuff that is not open on the editor. It also doesn't open if form designer is active.

    So my only reqs are:
    - displays all files currently open in the editor, without paths
    - is sorted
    - opens appropriate editor tab when a file in this list is clicked.

    Something like this:

  3. Agreed, I know what you mean, it's something like Visual Studio Code's "Opened Files" list. I want that too. BTW, what's your DelphiLens project actually? Sounds interesting! :) - gabr42/DelphiLens

  4. And this is your Mockup - is it a visual navigation tool for Delphi sources? Is there a similar tool for other IDE? I'm curious, since you make goodies ;)

  5. Do you want it always onscreen? Eg invoking the current dropdown list by a shortcut would not be enough?

    I'm trying to understand the functionality (list of files, and/or always-open list of files, and why) and so the use case - what this gives you. Might seem obvious to you, but for me this is something I never considered to be necessary because the existing functionality is ok, so please ELI5 why (how!) this is useful for you.

  6. This Windowmanager can be docked or floated. It shows all opened Units. Futhermore the state of the units, if they are subversion controlled. The units can be opened or closed. If you open the window with a user shortcut, the focus will be placed in the filter edit box in the top. Type in the filename you search for the tree view in the bottom will be filtered to show you the desired units.

  7. Another interesting editor expert for you could be the CodeExplorer. This one searches for all library and search paths of the IDE and the currently loaded project. It shows you all the path and the containing source files in a tree view in the order, where the compiler finds it. - BMDExperts.docx

  8. Edwin Yip This is very much a work in progress, but hopefully it will turn into a really useful tool. It will NOT include anything like that addition I'm looking for in my post.

  9. Roland Wind Yes, exactly! Where did you find it? It would be even better if it would be just a simple list, like in Bill Meyer's example.

  10. Primož Gabrijelčič Hi Primoz. I extended the famous Gexperts. I like Delphi, but working with many files in different Folders was Not so funny. So i Extend the Gexperts with my own addins.

  11. Bmdexperts is the synonym for this Extension.

  12. David Millington CTRL+ALT+F12 drops down the tab list for the editor. Its what I use to navigate a large number of open editor files.

  13. David Hoyle That's a good one! Didn't know that!

  14. Roland Wind Is this windows of yours dockable?

  15. Yes, we need something like this. Even when you have a big screen, tabs get clutterred

  16. Primož Gabrijelčič Hi Primoz. Dockable and Flosting. I prefer floating, but thats me.

  17. Roland Wind very nice looking - is it available for download?

  18. Primož Gabrijelčič I think it is from CnPack.

  19. The shortcut for that small "v" button is Ctrl-Alt-F12. Total pain if working with a VM on a Mac because it ends up being 4 keys down at once. What would be useful is being able to re-assign the shortcut to something simpler

  20. Bill Meyer I downloaded and installed CnWizards, but can't find anything like that inside.

  21. Darian Miller Hi Darian and all other interested. For which Delphi Version do you Need the Experts ??

  22. Roland Wind Delphi 2007 + 10.1 Berlin would be my request

  23. For me it's mainly Berlin at the moment, some Seattle and Tokyo. But I would like such expert to look like in the Bill Meyer's picture - without any tree lines ets. Just a sorted list of editor tab captions.

  24. Primož Gabrijelčič My apologies. A challenge in CnPack lies in determining what features are in it. I am puzzled, then, to know who owns that list. I have only these items installed in the IDE:
    Documentation Insight
    Fix Insight
    ModelMaker Code Explorer

    I tried removing ModelMaker Code Explorer, and it made no difference.

    If anyone recognizes that list, or has some or all of these plug-ins in place and does NOT have such a list, please let us know!

  25. Bill Meyer I only have gexperts from the list. I have the v. I understand it is a built in IDE function. The short cut is listed in docwiki.embarcardero/com/RADStudio/Tokyo/en/Default_keyboard_shortcuts. I use it in Berlin, but I'm sure I've used it in earlier versions as well.

  26. Sue King Good to know. I had wondered, as I see it in the Starter Edition, and have only put GExperts in there. Odd, though, that Primož Gabrijelčič would be looking for a plug-in, if it is in the IDE?

  27. I am still finding things in the IDE I didn't know were there

  28. Sue King The correct link is: - Default Keyboard Shortcuts - RAD Studio
    Pity it doesn't have a means of re-assigning shortcut keys to these

  29. Bill Meyer I'm slowly getting used to navigating via Ctrl+Alt+F12 + keyboard keys. I was originally searching for the dockable window because I didn't know about that keyboard shortcut. I'm still searching for it because now I know that it exists :) and I'd like to compare the usability of both solutions.

  30. Primož Gabrijelčič If in the mean time you have found a dockable version of this Ctrl-Alt-F12 window, let me know. I was about to post the exact same question you asked, and was aware of Ctrl-Alt-F12, but I need something that remains permanently open. It's far easier to peruse a vertical list than an horizontal tab list.

  31. Sorry guys for my late responding. I was very busy in the last weeks. I create a new fork of my experts without our company specific extensions, now calling RWExperts. There are setups for D10-D10.2 - RWExperts


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