This time just the fact.

This time just the fact.

I was interested buying after getting this email
Professional Edition - 42% OFF
Well i was not sure if i was entitled
to this reduction.

So i wrote sales twice within 2 days
A week ago .NO response.

1. Are they to busy to answer
2. I am not entitled.
3. They do not care.
Good luck Embarcadero with sales.


  1. My guess is 1. If it were me, I would give them a quick call. The offer could have generated a lot of calls, or for some reason your email could have gone adrift.

  2. Where are you located? I mean, in which country?

  3. Marco Cantù Israel. I know about .comprise but i thought to buy
    on the NET

  4. We have experienced the same pathetic service here in South Africa...we have contacted them numerous times to get licenses sorted and to embark on sales based on a discount over the last 3 years...but it is like sending an email to a brick wall. Best of all is our company as well as Emba SA is part of EOH, and still we have no joy.

  5. Well in my case every thing got sorted.
    After Marco Cantù got evolved a guy named Craig Shaw called
    me and Gabriel Calatoru took car of my need.
    Well as for that i bought Delphi 10.2.
    To say the list BIG THANKS.
    In my case i got great SERVICE.
    P.S i am hooked on Delphi since i started with pascal 3!!!
    much before Delphi. And since then Delphi 1 and on


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