Creating a Virtual Machine, specifically for developing with Delphi 10.2.2.

Creating a Virtual Machine, specifically for developing with Delphi 10.2.2.

My host machine, as is shown in the image, has 16 Gb RAM and a 3,4 GHz i5 with 4 cores.

What is your proposal, based on your experience, about a good configuration of the Virtual Machine?

How much memory? how many cores? ...

I can still, install up to 32 Gb of RAM (another 16Gb). Maybe, you recommend this?


  1. One big point of using a VM is that you can change these things. So just try it out to see what works best is my humble opinion. I don't know about a Mac but you should probably not reserve more than ½ of the hosts cores and ½ of its memory. I guess you do not want any machine running on only one core. You'll have to lower memory and cores if you want to run more than one VM at the same time. If the client(s) is Window10 you do not need to register it with M$ so as to avoid licensing problems when changing the guests parameters.
    HTH, /D

  2. Dany Marmur "Based on your experience" Please!!!!

  3. Dany Marmur Every time you change the number of cores of a VM, you need to register windows again. Every time you change the amount of memory used, combined with another little change in the configuration, you need to register windows again.

    Can you explain us, how to use windows without registering it?

    Thank you Dany!

  4. Juan C. Cilleruelo i have not registered one Windows10 non-host licence ever. Vindows 7, Vista, XP... yes that was a problem - i had to pay up since a "dev subscription" was too much for my small shop. It was a pain.

    You simply run Win10 "unregistered" and that is OK with M$!. It (as i humbly understand) is partly because M$ wants Windows to be a service.

    But the simple answer: you can use Win10 without registering it. The only thing you can not do in the unregistered VM is change the "theme". Being a developer you won't need that. But... drumroll... you can change architecture, graphics, cores, memory all you like.

    Try it!

  5. Dany Marmur
    Thank you, Dany!
    I'm installing it at this moment. I'm going to try as you say.
    During installation I was reading about this and sound, crystal clear, that is exactly as you say.

    Thanks again!

    (I think that sometimes I'm stupidly legal!

  6. I use Hyper-V under Windows 10. I've been using Delphi under a VM, since the 90s and have gone through multiple host machine upgrades to increase compilation speeds. This last upgrade uses M.2 SSD storage, which is amazingly fast.

    Machine: Dell XPS 9550
    RAM: 32 GB

    VM: 4 processors and 6000 MB RAM

    I have two VMs running, one Delphi, one Ubuntu, all the time.


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