Dear Developers

Dear Developers,

I'm pleased to announce the new version of X-DBGrid Component 6.7 and X-Files Components 6.7!

What's new in version 6.7 ?

- New packages rebuilded with using RAD Studio 10.2.2 Tokyo (Build 2004)!!!
- Full support for over 60 new VCL styles from!!!
- Added Ctrl+Shift+C to can copy to clipboard grid's selected rows with titles

- TXDBGrid can have now multiple-choice list for PickList and LookupColumn
- New option loMultiSelectList in Column.ListOptions activates multiple choice
- New option loAutoApplyList in Column.ListOptions
- New Column.DelimiterLine property to separate selected lines in the field
- New Column.DelimiterChar property to separate selected values in the line
- New Column.MultiSelectText property to choice method of display many values

- TXDBEditor can have now multiple-choice list for PickList and LookupColumn
- New option loMultiSelectList in Editor.ListOptions activates multiple choice
- New option loAutoApplyList in Editor.ListOptions
- New Editor.DelimiterLine property to separate selected lines in the field
- New Editor.DelimiterChar property to separate selected values in the line
- New Editor.MultiSelectText property to choice method of display many values

- Updated XDBGridDesign example to show MultiSelectList in TXDBGrid/TXDBEditor
- Bug fixed: problem with scrollbar for dgAlwaysShowEditor and CheckBox column
- Bug fixed: problem with rows resize during editing memo field in the cell

To read more, please visit our website at:
You can also look at some screenshots at:
and download the new Trial version from:

You can also join to "Delphi X-DBGrid Component Community" at
