Hi, I am having a weird issue. I have an iOS/Windows app that i designed last year that was working perfectly fine. now, i need to do some update to it. So i upgraded everything to the latest, MAC, Delphi 10.2.1, XCode, iOS 11...

Hi, I am having a weird issue. I have an iOS/Windows app that i designed last year that was working perfectly fine. now, i need to do some update to it. So i upgraded everything to the latest, MAC, Delphi 10.2.1, XCode, iOS 11...

So i am all to the latest. the issue is I am using tMediaPlayerControl to display a video and only the audio plays. The video is blank. it is the same for IOS and Windows.

If i ran the demo videoplayback, the videos plays correctly.

Not sure what can cause it. the only difference between my app and the demo app is that my mediaplayer control is children of a tlayout which is animated to enter the main screen upon activation.

Any one had similar issue with the TMediaPlayerControl?


  1. Thanks Uwe, I will do that when I install 10.2.2.

    In meantime, I found the issue.

    Issue is somewhat completely unrelated to videos.

    If the TMediaPlayerControl object is in the main form and the form has BorderStyle='None', the video does not show on both Windows and iOS 11.

    If you set the BorderStyle='Single' but remove the 'Minimize' and 'Maximize' buttons from the system menu, the video does not show on both Windows and iOS 11 neither.

    I have not dig into the code to find why, but I found my issue, and I can work around it :-(.

    This was working just fine with Tokyo 10.2.0.

    You can easily reproduce the issue with the demo application:

    C:\Users\Public\Documents\Embarcadero\Studio\19.0\Samples\Object Pascal\Mobile Snippets\VideoPlayback

    Just change the BorderStyle='None' and you will see.


  2. I have seen this on Windows check the TMediaPlayerControl's parent, you will probably find that it is blank... manually set it to the correct value before you play...

  3. Roy, thank for your answer. It does resolve the problem.


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