
  1. Marco Cantù That is great, but could you please reach out to someone, so that the ISO downloads are also available for All Access Gold Users - as they should be. This is very often forgotten. Thanks a lot. I like Dark Themes.

  2. Roland Kossow I'll do... but that being a discontinued product we really tend to forget...

  3. Marco Cantù - I know this reason - you told me last time. Lets just alway try to remember our legacy - my three year subscription is based on it - :-)

  4. I got error about could not find wizard during the install (web install). Anyone else get that?

  5. and then later an access violation in the installer

  6. It might be you dis-installed a feature and your configuration settings in the registry were preserve, causing a discrepancy. It happened to me with CodeSite. Re-installed it, and all went fine.

  7. it did complete in the end. still complained of the wizard not found on the start up of the ide though?

  8. Marco Cantù -There is a new documentation page along with the updated start page. Its width is much too small and cannot be widened.

    Trying to login via the documentation page, starts the ms internet explorer, which is not the default browser. Why?

  9. Will the web install actually keep all of my packages or do i have to reinstall them again ? Had to do it for almost all of the upgrades/updates.

  10. Anyone got the ISO download urls. Boss is away and someone of our team should install it. Since it is still Tokyo license from our Lic-server (What ever that was called) should work as is right?

  11. Marco Cantù same question as Richard Baroniunas since it state to "you must uninstall first before" what will happens with components and experts?
    And why not have an UPDATE within Delphi?

  12. Components are back after un installed..Just make sure to tick to keep registry settings

  13. Some answers:
    Roland Kossow we are looking into it. Email me with more details re: your exact license, because the download should be enabled for All Access
    Leif Uneus Yes, the doc page is messed up, we'll provide a hotfix and inline che HTML change for people installing in the future
    Richard Baroniunas the installer prompts you about keeping your registry configuration. as an extra safely, you can copy it via Migration Wizard and restore manually later
    Tommi Prami it is still Tokyo license, the ISO links should be in the article
    Cristian Peța yes, this is a minor release, binary compatible with 10.2 and 10.2.1
    Nicholas Ring the bug fix list is in the linked article and in my blog post. 150+ public reported bugs fixed. Plus many more.

  14. Marco Cantù The problem is that Boss has the Authorized account and not at office for couple of days., We mere mortals have only personal ones, if any, and none have maha guru powers to get new releases. Need to have direct link to ISO or just have to wait...

  15. Marco Cantù Oh, we are good for now. Boss tries to download it remotely.

  16. Marco Cantù I didn't check your blog, just the main one (in the initial post) - I don't go looking everywhere for it (and either should I have to), as I would have expected it to be listed with the main release information. :-)

  17. Marco Cantù should this update not compile and use already installed packages i.e. devexpress or kbmmemtable without recompile?

    We're not able to compile kbmmemtable with 10.2.2 and also devexpress does not install or recompile

  18. I get about a dozen warnings about packages not loading, can't find entry points etc etc and when it does load I try to compile my main project and get this
    [dcc32 Fatal Error] DM1.pas(8): F2051 Unit OracleData was compiled with a different version of System.Generics.Collections.TArray.Sort

  19. We're rolling back to 10.2.1 because with 10.2.2 too much thirdparty component sets are not compiling.

  20. Tommi Prami sorry but i can't make new packages for DevExpress, KbmmemTable, and a dozen of other componentpacks ... i'm not a developer working for embt. going back to 10.2.1 and will wait ...

  21. Yusuf Zorlu it's not en embarcaderos job to maintain 3rd party components

  22. Yusuf Zorlu 10.2.2 should be binary compatible with 10.2.1 and 10.2.0. You shouldn't need to reinstall packages.

    If you're having problems compiling packages, please file a QP.

  23. Ronald Klitsche RSP-18799 has been worked on, performance is on par of what it was in Berlin with the specific demo -- I'll blog the data we have.

    Yusuf Zorlu you'll have to provide specific information, like which error you are getting. To our knowledge this release should work with any 10.2.1 package and DCU

    steve hughes Thanks for the info, we'll look into it ASAP. This is useful

  24. Marco Cantù no this release is not working with packages which are fine with 10.2.1. Here two examples:

    1. kbmmemtable in standard-edition cant compile because of "VCL needs to recompiled" (can't see the exact message, currently reinstalling 10.2.1

    2. DevExpress can't compile their RichEidtor component because of some errormessages with xmlwriter, something like "too much parameters" ... i have a ticket on DevExpress for this with complete compile-log: - T587128 - Compile Error at setup: dxRichEdit.Utils.XmlReader.pas | DevExpress Support Center

  25. Cannot start an empty app in iOS simulator using XCode 9.2 and latest PA-Server. Error reporting fails since ages.

  26. We have likely found the interface breaking issue. We'll keep you updated. The error reporting is broken -- we know. But the latest PAServer shoudl work OK.

  27. New ide theme looks nice. Good to see some VCL development

  28. Hello Marco Cantù, now DevExpress has also confirmed that this update requires changes on thirdparty-component side. I think something went wrong on your side?

  29. Marco Cantù I don't think I have your email adress.

    The download is only available for
    All-Access XE Bronze
    All-Access XE Gold
    All-Access XE Gold 1 yr Term Academic
    All-Access XE Gold Academic
    All-Access XE Platinum
    All-Access XE Silver not for All-Access Gold (without XE).
    Compare this to that ... where the list is ... All-Access Gold
    All-Access Platinum
    All-Access Silver
    All-Access XE Bronze
    All-Access XE Gold
    All-Access XE Gold 1 yr Term Academic
    All-Access XE Gold Academic
    All-Access XE Platinum
    All-Access XE Silver

  30. The new TTimePicker does not show the AM/PM field though the timeformat is set to "h:mm AMPM". It looks like the third field on the right has a width of only 1-2px or so...

  31. Stefan Grube odd, I see it working fine, and blogged about this earlier. You need to give the component enough room, though...

  32. BDE-installer has not been updated, or are we looking from wrong place. We have to support BDE for some time to import old Paradox databases.

  33. Did not install myself, but coworkers had quite few problems and quickly reverted. to older. Sadly they did not file QC of them.

  34. We have made available a new release (build 2004) of 10.2.2, that solves the DCU compatibility issue with third party components. You can download from the same links of 10.2.2, like

  35. Marco Cantù ... and with the correct All Access righs ... great - thanks a lot and "Buone feste!".

  36. So let's see if it works with all installed packages. I'll try to uninstall Toyko 10.2.1 and install 10.2.2 with DevExpress, Reportbuilder, TMS etc.

  37. TMS confirmed us all issues are solved, safe for one they'll make an update available for (name clash, not DCU signature)

  38. Marco Cantù We have not found BDE installer for 10.2.2, should the previous one work?

  39. Marco Cantù first tests on our side:
    * 10.2.2 is binary compatible afaik with devexpress, tms-components, reportbuilder. Doing more tests.

    Edit: Everything ok so far. Thanks for new Iso. Now we're compiling with 10.2.2 ;-)


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